As Barack Obama is becoming hailed as some Saint...I am more and more saddened by the ease in which people are embracing this unseasoned (and quite frankly) unqualified candidate. I think people may come to regret this coronation without any scrutiny. Even Obama has admitted that he hasn't really had to deal with anything negative. Why is that? We are so overly "politically correct" that we won't ask the tough questions for fear we'll be harassing a black man and that is, after all, racism right? WRONG. And someone recently told me how angry they were at Bill Clinton for bringing up race in the campaign. That is probably the STUPIDIST thing I have ever heard (not to mention ignorant and naive). Race IS a part of this campaign because Barack Obama is black - there, I let the cat out of the bag. And his race is certainly a big reason that he is now winning states - NOT his experience, NOT his plans (what are they really anyway).
Yes, he is a very good orator, but he still doesn't hold a candle to Bill Clinton in that department and Bill (once called the first Black President by many prominent leaders in the black community) has done more for African-Americans than Barack has. People have short memories in this country and all this fanfare may be the downfall for the Democrats and eventually the country.
I hope that Hillary can turn things around and win the nomination. She is the best candidate for President of those still in the race. I will debate anyone, any time, anywhere on that. However, if Barack wins the nomination, I really am not sure what I will do. I find it humorous that his supporters say that it will be easier for Hillary supporters to support him, than the other way around. Let me make it clear, you aren't speaking for me.
I remember LOVING him at the Democratic Convention four years ago and thinking what an incredible President he would make...someday. That day is not here. The type of change he is talking about is only a fantasy that riles up the masses. Hillary knows the REAL deal in Washington. She knows that change takes time and takes dealing and real knowledge of the system. I think that everyone who thinks otherwise is in for a rude awakening as my amazing mother used to say.
I worry about this great nation...I worry about the way some people I know think. In the end, I hope that whatever happens, that the nation and its people can find the way.
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