Many others, greater than I, known by many (or at least "heard" by many) have said the same..."Tim Russert's loss is a loss for the nation." Certainly his loss is palpable in the world of journalism, especially for his colleagues at NBC but I believe it really is a loss for the nation.
He was a standard bearer for journalistic integrity and someone who was always searching for the truth, regardless of policy or party or practice. It seemed to me that he was always sincere and always genuinely excited to find out more about so many things, especially politics.
While I did not know him personally, I felt like I did.
Maybe it was the fact that we were both from the Buffalo area. Maybe it was his unyielding love for the Bills. Probably, it was because whenever I heard him or saw him on Meet the Press, or on a debate, or as a commentator, I would stop to listen to what he had to say and so often smile. He was someone that I had always wanted to talk to as I knew it would not only be fascinating but educational. If not a journalist, I think he would have made a remarkable teacher.
Journalism was better because of Tim Russert and his loss will resound throughout the community, especially at NBC.
My heart goes out to his wife and son, but I am certain that they are grateful for his love and his goodness and his presence.
I mourn with so many others his loss and hope that his legacy will cause others to strive to be like him and inspire others to follow in his footsteps.
Blessings on your spirit Tim...you will be missed.
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