Friday, August 29, 2008

It is time for unity, it is time for change...


Yes, just a few short weeks ago, I wasn't sure I would say that. I was a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter and I will always believe that she would have been a remarkable leader for our nation as we find ourselves locked in fiscal irresponsibility and mired in a foolish and criminal war.

But as the Democratic Convention began and Senator Obama made his choice for VP (a man I have wanted for President for quite some time now), I started to weigh the importance of this election and the fundamental differences between the platforms. Somewhere, deep down, I always knew I would vote for whomever the Democrats nominated. How could I not? I have been a lifelong Democrat, bolstered by my mother's beliefs that we have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves and fight for civil rights and equality for all. The Republicans have always left too many people out of the circle and I have always relished in the knowledge that my mother was a lifelong Republican, who ALWAYS voted Democrat. Up where I came from, if you registered Democrat your house was stoned and egged. But in that voting booth, she voted her conscience.

And now I will vote mine: not because Hillary Clinton told me to do it. Not because Ted Kennedy and former President Clinton told me to do it. And not because Joe Biden will be the next Vice-President of the United States (although all of those things certainly didn't hurt).

I will vote for Barack Obama because I believe he can make a difference and I believe in my heart that he has set a place at the table for someone like me. And no, I'm not voting for him because I feel like "I could have a beer with him." I think that each of us should vote, based on our beliefs, our struggles our principals - the things we stand for, and yes, because of the essence of who we are. Part of who I am, is a proud gay man. I have heard politicians, even Presidential candidates mention gays and lesbians in the past few years (often pleasantly surprised) but never have I heard the amazing words spoken that Barack mentioned last night with such conviction and simple truth..."I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination." Also part of who I am, is my mother's son. She was always helping someone that was less fortunate that her - taking people to the doctor; doing taxes for free for seniors; giving gifts to the nursing home or coloring books to children; making sure that I had a better chance for my dreams than she did. And Barack Obama believes in those things too.

I hope if you are still on the fence (for those of you already certain you are voting for John McCain, God help you) that you will read Barack's entire acceptance speech and listen closely to the debates. I hope that he will convince you, as he has convinced me, that he is ready to lead our nation in a better direction - to a brighter tomorrow.

Barack Obama's Convention Speech

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love

That's the title of the Bestselling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. Is she living my life? She is younger than I am so I wonder if she was assigned the same life-path that I was? God help her! As I read the pages of her amazingly personal and detailed journey, I can't help but think that if we met, we might just start laughing, then crying and then sharing an amazing meal together with a great bottle of wine and even greater conversation. I'm feeling rather depressed and lonely these past few days and her words are helping to keep me afloat - well, that and all of my amazing friends - you know who you are because you've texted me, emailed me or called me in the last few days. I really wanted to go to brunch today in the city, but no one is available and I refuse to go alone. Maybe if I go and bring the book with me and keep reading, somehow I won't be alone. In any case, it's a great book and I recommend it highly.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I am just so grateful for all of the places I have visited in my life so far...Italy, Paris, London, Hawaii, Venezuela, to name a few. But of all the places, one I love so much is Provincetown, MA. And when you have gone someplace so many times that it begins to feel like a second home, you don't have to feel pressured to see things or do things or buy things, you really can just relax. Amidst the chaos in my life right now with trying to move out of the house, figuring out where to live, wondering what is next for my career, and all the rest, I was just so happy to be able to take a week and totally relax. Lounging at the pool, laying at the beach, enjoying a lobster, walking along the streets and chatting with new people and some friends I have made over the years. So as I take my next step on this path of life, I just want to say, THANK YOU are a refuge for me and a place I will always come back to.

As Snoopy in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown (July 2000)