That's the title of the Bestselling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. Is she living my life? She is younger than I am so I wonder if she was assigned the same life-path that I was? God help her! As I read the pages of her amazingly personal and detailed journey, I can't help but think that if we met, we might just start laughing, then crying and then sharing an amazing meal together with a great bottle of wine and even greater conversation. I'm feeling rather depressed and lonely these past few days and her words are helping to keep me afloat - well, that and all of my amazing friends - you know who you are because you've texted me, emailed me or called me in the last few days. I really wanted to go to brunch today in the city, but no one is available and I refuse to go alone. Maybe if I go and bring the book with me and keep reading, somehow I won't be alone. In any case, it's a great book and I recommend it highly.
1 comment:
I so would've done brunch as I'm dealing with similar feelings right about now, perhaps I'll pick up the book...
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