It was really great to be home in Albion over the weekend. I actually started out in my college town of Lewiston, NY and even tho the crowd was small, we had a great time - and I was grateful that my mentor from Niagara U and one of my Mom's cousin's from Buffalo and her family came out to support. And best of all was the time we got to spend together over a great meal, reminiscing about family and catching up. Of course the Swan Library in Albion had a great event for me - desserts and drinks for everyone and a standing room crown. My Mom's art teacher surprised me and so many friends from the past there to support me and the work. It was a wonderful feeling. I wanted to share the letter I wrote to some of the papers in that area as my "thank you." I've also added one of my Mom's paintings from the book - you can see a large preview of this piece at http://www.lulu.com/parplaywright. Enjoy!
I wanted to thank The Albion Swan Library and all the folks from the area who came out on Sunday, April 29th to support my book, Flowers In Autumn: endings and beginnings. It was an amazing afternoon filled with laughter and tears and re-connections. My mother, Gen Riviere (Monacelli), would have been so thrilled with the response to her paintings and I know she was with us in spirit. I am grateful that you not only gave me the chance to share my work with you, but that you allowed me to share my life stories - some of the highs and lows. I also want to thank those who weren't able to make it, but sent good wishes. It means a great deal. There has been so much support from my home town and the area for all of my endeavors over the years and I am truly blessed.
Finally, I wanted to say some words to those who suffer from depression as I do. First of all, believe that you have worth - you do. Secondly, know that you are not alone and you are not some freak who just needs to "get over it." What you do need, is to "get through it." And the way to do that is with professional help, maybe even medication for a time, and most importantly you need to look at yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself and begin to recognize triggers in your life that may begin a cycle of depression for you. If you can break those triggers, or begin to control them, you will feel a bit better. If devastating loss is the center of your depression, you must try to realize that your life is still unfinished - you have more to accomplish. It does not mean the pain will go away, but know that those who love you, even in death, will always love you and they want you to go on. Carry their spirit and life within you and they will help you get through it. And don't be ashamed or too proud to run to others who love you or lean on those who can be of support - a doctor, a minister, a neighbor, a friend. They can shield you from the storm. Do give yourself the chance. Do believe that you are worth it. Do believe that you can find the reasons to go on, even if it takes a bit longer, even if at this very moment, life seems worthless and unbearable. As Josh Groban sings in one of his hit songs..."Don't give up, it's just the weight of the world, when your heart's heavy, I, I will lift it for you." I pray that you find strength and that your heart is lifted.
Thank you to all my friends; to all my Mom's friends, especially our neighbors from Ridge Road...really, you are my family, and I am forever grateful. Even though the miles may separate us, you are all in my heart.
Finally, I wanted to say some words to those who suffer from depression as I do. First of all, believe that you have worth - you do. Secondly, know that you are not alone and you are not some freak who just needs to "get over it." What you do need, is to "get through it." And the way to do that is with professional help, maybe even medication for a time, and most importantly you need to look at yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself and begin to recognize triggers in your life that may begin a cycle of depression for you. If you can break those triggers, or begin to control them, you will feel a bit better. If devastating loss is the center of your depression, you must try to realize that your life is still unfinished - you have more to accomplish. It does not mean the pain will go away, but know that those who love you, even in death, will always love you and they want you to go on. Carry their spirit and life within you and they will help you get through it. And don't be ashamed or too proud to run to others who love you or lean on those who can be of support - a doctor, a minister, a neighbor, a friend. They can shield you from the storm. Do give yourself the chance. Do believe that you are worth it. Do believe that you can find the reasons to go on, even if it takes a bit longer, even if at this very moment, life seems worthless and unbearable. As Josh Groban sings in one of his hit songs..."Don't give up, it's just the weight of the world, when your heart's heavy, I, I will lift it for you." I pray that you find strength and that your heart is lifted.
Thank you to all my friends; to all my Mom's friends, especially our neighbors from Ridge Road...really, you are my family, and I am forever grateful. Even though the miles may separate us, you are all in my heart.
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