Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving became my favorite holiday as a young adult because of the gathering of my little family and the great meal. Like many families, our tradition was turkey and the fixens. My Mom used to slave over it all in a kitchen that would have kept most people from serving frozen dinners. Not sure how she did it, but she always managed to pull it off (with some help from my Auntie Carm who always made the mashed potatoes). I'm grateful that when I had my first real place my Mom came down and I made dinner for her. Of course today, my immediate family (Mom, Dad, Auntie Carm and Auntie El and of course my brother Jackie) are all gone. I'm grateful that my partner's family always welcomes me for the holidays although I have been known recently to spend certain holidays alone. Sometimes it is just quiet and intimate as I conjure the memories and spirits of my lost loved ones. While it may seem melancholy, and certainly comes with tearful reminiscence, most of the time I find myself smiling with thoughts of the past and hope for the future knowing that my family will always be with me.

As Snoopy in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown (July 2000)