In Hunter Mountain
Silently, in the black of midnight,
We sit perplexed – motionless atop Hunter Mountain.
Hundreds of stars beckon us to stare skyward
And at last, amidst my silent prayer,
One dying ember shoots south arching swiftly to peace.
Inside, snapping sparks fly within the hearth –
Hours of stoking and kindling care.
Coals glowing orange heat more than the heart.
Rich cocoa mellows – perhaps too ideal as we snuggle and find ourselves warmly frozen and mesmerized.
A moan and several stretches later, Comet settles close.
Moments ago racing through crisp leaves and frosted earth
Declaring his bliss amidst endless terrain,
He stakes claim to his new found territory.
Finally, all eyelids fall heavy as logs burning shadows bounce aimlessly about the chalet.
We succumb at last and nod off with a smile and a snore.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Crazy World
"...full of crazy contradictions like a child..." That's from the song Crazy World (VICTOR/VICTORIA). any of you who know me, I'm always on a constant roller-coaster and quite frankly seem to function better riding the highs and lows. But lately, the train seems to have stopped in a dip. I feel that for the past couple months I have been in a bit of a "minimal functioning funk." I find myself constantly drawn to waste time on things that are not good for me, I haven't been writing, or auditioning much and I keep wondering when ALL the irons I have in the fire (or as I now like to say...the cold furnace) spark something? I mean it's getting down to the wire in terms of my finances and living situation and of course that stresses me out even more so that I find myself not doing what I need to do.
Today, finally, was a first step back up the track of that big hill...I went to three auditions and have some appointments and a call-back later this week. But I always have this panging feeling of uncertainty and fear. At my age shouldn't I be over all that by now?
I feel I continue to give better and better auditions (when I actually go) because I feel confident in what I am bringing into the room, prepared and rarely nervous or desparate. But today for example, all of that went out the door and I felt like some nervous teenager again. And I think part of that comes from the fact that I AM getting a bit more desparate (I really need this job).
Well, I knew what I was getting back into when I came back to the biz full-time last I guess whining is pointless.
Enough of the contradictions, I would like some consistancy please. Thank you. any of you who know me, I'm always on a constant roller-coaster and quite frankly seem to function better riding the highs and lows. But lately, the train seems to have stopped in a dip. I feel that for the past couple months I have been in a bit of a "minimal functioning funk." I find myself constantly drawn to waste time on things that are not good for me, I haven't been writing, or auditioning much and I keep wondering when ALL the irons I have in the fire (or as I now like to say...the cold furnace) spark something? I mean it's getting down to the wire in terms of my finances and living situation and of course that stresses me out even more so that I find myself not doing what I need to do.
Today, finally, was a first step back up the track of that big hill...I went to three auditions and have some appointments and a call-back later this week. But I always have this panging feeling of uncertainty and fear. At my age shouldn't I be over all that by now?
I feel I continue to give better and better auditions (when I actually go) because I feel confident in what I am bringing into the room, prepared and rarely nervous or desparate. But today for example, all of that went out the door and I felt like some nervous teenager again. And I think part of that comes from the fact that I AM getting a bit more desparate (I really need this job).
Well, I knew what I was getting back into when I came back to the biz full-time last I guess whining is pointless.
Enough of the contradictions, I would like some consistancy please. Thank you.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I'm not talking about aliens (well...then again...) but in all seriousness I have begun to worry more about this country than ever before. People just don't do their homework and then when they are given "proven and undeniable truths" they still call it propaganda if it's not to their liking. Well when I talk about John McCain and people say to me, "Stop using scare tactics to intimidate me into voting for the Democrats," I am really VERY confused. I have no power in Washington, my only voice is my vote and maybe some emails and calls to my senators and congress persons. I'm not trying to scare anyone. And I am NOT making things up as I go along to win a point. My argument is clear and sound and has not changed. I just quote McCain and the Republican platform. Go ahead, do your research. The things I say are true. If those things scare you, then shouldn't that tell you something? And come on now, you REALLY don't think John McCain will lower your taxes and Barack will raise them do you? You do listen to the actual facts right? McCain wants to keep that measly tax return that Bush gave the "middle class" while helping the rich get more tax breaks. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that while we'll continue to get that crappy rebate, taxes for the poor and middle class will most likely stay the same or go up. However Obama, will give REAL relief to the poor and middle class by yes, RAISING taxes, but not on Joe American but on Donald Trump and the oil tycoons. And guess what? They SHOULD pay more in taxes. The corporate giants like Mobile and Exxon should take on more tax while "Ma and Pa American" get some real tax breaks and not just and extra $125.
And Obama can get attacked for using a phrase that John McCain has used in public at LEAST 4 times but it's ok for McCain to lie like a rug about Obama, his record and his plans.
So watch SOME TRUTH and if you think it's propaganda, do the research yourself.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Please don't let the POD PEOPLE take over

I am convinced, having watched the third night of the RNC, that most Republicans are Pod People. Now that is one of those unfair, blanket statements and some of you may not be pods, but come on, "Drill baby, drill?" It felt like I was watching a documentary on Jim Jones, year 2008. And I feel a bit more confident on my observations because I grew up in staunch Republican Land. It used to be that Republicans stood for fiscal responsibility and keeping government out of our business. But over the years it has morphed into a party that is in bed with big oil, big business, wants less government UNLESS it means going to war or fighting the liberals or routing out those horrible fags who destroy our moral fiber (please see the sarcasm in that last comment). They have become the party of exclusion and fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY.
Now let me be fair...I wasn't voting for McCain anyway. But this pick of Sarah Palin? I am so offended by this woman on so many levels. Using her Downs child as an advocacy ploy? My brother had Downs. My mother was a SINGLE mom who had a Downs child in the 60's when it was considerered an abarassment; a failure. It's one thing to talk about the challenges of being a parent with a disabled child - it is quite another to appeal to families of disabled children to vote for her as if they should feel some sort of connection to her JUST because of that. What? Furthermore, she was FOR the bridge to nowhere and is now against it. She is for drilling, drilling, drilling and guns, guns, guns. And make sure we shoot all the wolves from the air, cause, "It's funner!"
The Republicans have said that Sarah Palin has motivated the base and that all these voters (woman who were so for Hillary, Independants and conservative Democrats will suddenly jump on board). But here is something no one is talking about - the gains from those folks will be balanced out by the white male cheuvanist Republicans who will NEVER vote for a woman because her only place is "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen." (That is their thought, not mine). Now those good ole boys would never vote for a black man either, so Obama isn't going to gain them, but the Republicans WILL lose them. And Palin isn't just motivating the conservative base, she is motivating the liberal base. How do I know? Because I just sent a contribution to Obama when I wasn't planning on doing it. I was gonna vote for him, try to get out the word on his candidacy, but But because of Sarah Palin and the RNC last night, I sent money. can't have it both ways. You want the media to report on your son going to Iraq and the fact that you have a Downs child but you don't want them to report on your daughter having a child out of wedlock (by the way if Chelsea Clinton were in that situation, the Republicans would have stoned her) or the fact that you tried to get a Trooper fired for personal reasons using your power as Governor? The press often annoys the crap out of me - they constantly talked about Obama's inexperience and Clinton's vote for the war and focused more on Bill Clinton at times than Hillary. But you know what? The truth is out there and it is indeed their job to find it and report it, particularly if you are in position to be the leader of the free world.
So as I have said many times...if you are on the fence, or you are voting based on personality or who you think you might like to have a drink some research PLEASE. Find out what the party's actually stand for. If you love guns and war and think poor people are only poor because they are lazy and wish all gay people would move to Paris, then by all means, the Republican Party is for you. But if you believe in civil rights, a woman's right to choose, helping those that are less fortunate, saving the environment for our children and bringing about PEACE in the world, then you can not vote for the Republicans. Note...i did not tell you that you have to vote for the Democrats.
Please don't let the Pod People take over. Want to contribute to the Democrats? Follow these links:
Friday, August 29, 2008
It is time for unity, it is time for change...
Yes, just a few short weeks ago, I wasn't sure I would say that. I was a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter and I will always believe that she would have been a remarkable leader for our nation as we find ourselves locked in fiscal irresponsibility and mired in a foolish and criminal war.
But as the Democratic Convention began and Senator Obama made his choice for VP (a man I have wanted for President for quite some time now), I started to weigh the importance of this election and the fundamental differences between the platforms. Somewhere, deep down, I always knew I would vote for whomever the Democrats nominated. How could I not? I have been a lifelong Democrat, bolstered by my mother's beliefs that we have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves and fight for civil rights and equality for all. The Republicans have always left too many people out of the circle and I have always relished in the knowledge that my mother was a lifelong Republican, who ALWAYS voted Democrat. Up where I came from, if you registered Democrat your house was stoned and egged. But in that voting booth, she voted her conscience.
And now I will vote mine: not because Hillary Clinton told me to do it. Not because Ted Kennedy and former President Clinton told me to do it. And not because Joe Biden will be the next Vice-President of the United States (although all of those things certainly didn't hurt).
I will vote for Barack Obama because I believe he can make a difference and I believe in my heart that he has set a place at the table for someone like me. And no, I'm not voting for him because I feel like "I could have a beer with him." I think that each of us should vote, based on our beliefs, our struggles our principals - the things we stand for, and yes, because of the essence of who we are. Part of who I am, is a proud gay man. I have heard politicians, even Presidential candidates mention gays and lesbians in the past few years (often pleasantly surprised) but never have I heard the amazing words spoken that Barack mentioned last night with such conviction and simple truth..."I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination." Also part of who I am, is my mother's son. She was always helping someone that was less fortunate that her - taking people to the doctor; doing taxes for free for seniors; giving gifts to the nursing home or coloring books to children; making sure that I had a better chance for my dreams than she did. And Barack Obama believes in those things too.
I hope if you are still on the fence (for those of you already certain you are voting for John McCain, God help you) that you will read Barack's entire acceptance speech and listen closely to the debates. I hope that he will convince you, as he has convinced me, that he is ready to lead our nation in a better direction - to a brighter tomorrow.
Barack Obama's Convention Speech
Yes, just a few short weeks ago, I wasn't sure I would say that. I was a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter and I will always believe that she would have been a remarkable leader for our nation as we find ourselves locked in fiscal irresponsibility and mired in a foolish and criminal war.
But as the Democratic Convention began and Senator Obama made his choice for VP (a man I have wanted for President for quite some time now), I started to weigh the importance of this election and the fundamental differences between the platforms. Somewhere, deep down, I always knew I would vote for whomever the Democrats nominated. How could I not? I have been a lifelong Democrat, bolstered by my mother's beliefs that we have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves and fight for civil rights and equality for all. The Republicans have always left too many people out of the circle and I have always relished in the knowledge that my mother was a lifelong Republican, who ALWAYS voted Democrat. Up where I came from, if you registered Democrat your house was stoned and egged. But in that voting booth, she voted her conscience.
And now I will vote mine: not because Hillary Clinton told me to do it. Not because Ted Kennedy and former President Clinton told me to do it. And not because Joe Biden will be the next Vice-President of the United States (although all of those things certainly didn't hurt).
I will vote for Barack Obama because I believe he can make a difference and I believe in my heart that he has set a place at the table for someone like me. And no, I'm not voting for him because I feel like "I could have a beer with him." I think that each of us should vote, based on our beliefs, our struggles our principals - the things we stand for, and yes, because of the essence of who we are. Part of who I am, is a proud gay man. I have heard politicians, even Presidential candidates mention gays and lesbians in the past few years (often pleasantly surprised) but never have I heard the amazing words spoken that Barack mentioned last night with such conviction and simple truth..."I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination." Also part of who I am, is my mother's son. She was always helping someone that was less fortunate that her - taking people to the doctor; doing taxes for free for seniors; giving gifts to the nursing home or coloring books to children; making sure that I had a better chance for my dreams than she did. And Barack Obama believes in those things too.
I hope if you are still on the fence (for those of you already certain you are voting for John McCain, God help you) that you will read Barack's entire acceptance speech and listen closely to the debates. I hope that he will convince you, as he has convinced me, that he is ready to lead our nation in a better direction - to a brighter tomorrow.
Barack Obama's Convention Speech
Barack Obama,
gay rights,
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Eat, Pray, Love

That's the title of the Bestselling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. Is she living my life? She is younger than I am so I wonder if she was assigned the same life-path that I was? God help her! As I read the pages of her amazingly personal and detailed journey, I can't help but think that if we met, we might just start laughing, then crying and then sharing an amazing meal together with a great bottle of wine and even greater conversation. I'm feeling rather depressed and lonely these past few days and her words are helping to keep me afloat - well, that and all of my amazing friends - you know who you are because you've texted me, emailed me or called me in the last few days. I really wanted to go to brunch today in the city, but no one is available and I refuse to go alone. Maybe if I go and bring the book with me and keep reading, somehow I won't be alone. In any case, it's a great book and I recommend it highly.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I am just so grateful for all of the places I have visited in my life so far...Italy, Paris, London, Hawaii, Venezuela, to name a few. But of all the places, one I love so much is Provincetown, MA. And when you have gone someplace so many times that it begins to feel like a second home, you don't have to feel pressured to see things or do things or buy things, you really can just relax. Amidst the chaos in my life right now with trying to move out of the house, figuring out where to live, wondering what is next for my career, and all the rest, I was just so happy to be able to take a week and totally relax. Lounging at the pool, laying at the beach, enjoying a lobster, walking along the streets and chatting with new people and some friends I have made over the years. So as I take my next step on this path of life, I just want to say, THANK YOU are a refuge for me and a place I will always come back to.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What's next?
I think that is what life is really about...figuring out what's next. Hopefully we're taking things with us from what is past, what has just been experienced, what just "was." And hopefully we are learning as much as we can as we go, but it really does seem like it's always about the NEXT thing, the next day, the next show, the next audition, the next meal, the next time we can sleep. And are we ever content?
I suppose i am becoming a bit contemplative, and yes, trying to figure out "what's next?" because the show I'm doing is closing in two more performances. It has been a bit of a wild ride to say the least, but I loved the director and my fellow actors - not only within the context of the piece, but as people. In any event, now that the closing is a week away, those feelings of loss are already starting to creep in - and maybe worse, those feelings of uncertainty about what lies ahead. I think I've learned some things about myself during this process so that is good, and I hope I can say I have made some lasting friends. I would love to believe the show will have a life after this, but I dare not rest my hopes on such a notion for fear of jinxing that very possibility.
In any case, I'm having trouble sleeping and part of it comes from the fact that I am wondering...what's next?
I suppose i am becoming a bit contemplative, and yes, trying to figure out "what's next?" because the show I'm doing is closing in two more performances. It has been a bit of a wild ride to say the least, but I loved the director and my fellow actors - not only within the context of the piece, but as people. In any event, now that the closing is a week away, those feelings of loss are already starting to creep in - and maybe worse, those feelings of uncertainty about what lies ahead. I think I've learned some things about myself during this process so that is good, and I hope I can say I have made some lasting friends. I would love to believe the show will have a life after this, but I dare not rest my hopes on such a notion for fear of jinxing that very possibility.
In any case, I'm having trouble sleeping and part of it comes from the fact that I am wondering...what's next?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Starting over again

How does one begin again? I mean, how do you really go back to square one with your life? Can you really? I don't think so. But you can get a fresh look, a new start, a different perspective...choose a new path. Sometimes it is with one part of your life, one aspect that needs changing or feels like it's time to start over.
In any event, my life has come to such a crossroads. After almost 15 years living with David I am moving out. I've been saying it for two years so it almost doesn't seem real. I left the "real" job last October to give my career another chance and now, it's just time for me to move on. I've been making the excuse that it's money that keeps me here, and the house, and how much I put into it. And that is probably why I did stay. That and the fact that sometimes the misery you know is better than the misery you don't know - or at least you convince yourself that that is the truth.
September 1 is my deadline. Shows I'm working on close in August...I'm taking a week to go to P-Town by myself and then I have to come back and get myself packed to go somewhere. Where? That's the big question. My credit rating has got to be in the toilet, I don't own anything other than my 10-year-old Toyota, my unemployment will run out soon and unless I get a really good paying gig, I may have to go back to an office (which I promised myself I wouldn't do - at least not this soon).
So where does that leave me? I have no idea...
Starting over again can be scary. But sometimes it is necessary and I believe it can open up a world of possibilities. I have to believe that...I have to.
Here's to new life, to new adventures, to new starts.
moving on,
moving out,
Patrick Riviere,
starting over
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What The F*** Is Your Problem Post 2
Friday, June 13, 2008
What the f*** is your problem (cell phones)
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life
So what the f*** is your problem? WHY do you insist on talking on your cell phone on public transporation as if you were at a rock concert? The bus is not your private That is why it is called PUBLIC transportation. Lots of other people are on there who could give a shit about your upcoming operation to suck fat out of your ass and inject it in your lips. Nor do we care to hear about the puss filled wart that your grandma had to have drained, or the cat next door that got hit by the mailman and you had to move the dead carcass with flies to the garbage. Moreover, why do you feel it necessary to shout all of your destinations for the day and what time you will be at each place. Don't you think that's a bit dangerous? Maybe there is a psycho killer on the bus who now knows you are going to be at the 79th street subway station at 10PM BECAUSE YOU JUST SCREAMED IT TO HIM! Please have consideration for your fellow passengers and talk a bit softer. Damn! When I speak on my cell on a bus, I cover the handset and basically whisper. It makes sense. I want to keep my conversation private and I don't want to bother you. Give me the same respect in return. What did you people do before cell phones? I remember when they hadn't even invented answering machines. The phone just rang and rang and you called back or wrote the person a letter. If you were worried...ROAD TRIP, or if the line was busy for too long, you asked the operator to cut in. I'd certainly like to cut in on some of your load-mouth calls and say...shut the f*** up! Now I understand they are working on technology to allow everyone to use their cell phones when flying. Can you imagine? It would be like a flying high school cafeteria! Lord help us!
What the f*** is your problem (cell phones)
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life
So what the f*** is your problem? WHY do you insist on talking on your cell phone on public transporation as if you were at a rock concert? The bus is not your private That is why it is called PUBLIC transportation. Lots of other people are on there who could give a shit about your upcoming operation to suck fat out of your ass and inject it in your lips. Nor do we care to hear about the puss filled wart that your grandma had to have drained, or the cat next door that got hit by the mailman and you had to move the dead carcass with flies to the garbage. Moreover, why do you feel it necessary to shout all of your destinations for the day and what time you will be at each place. Don't you think that's a bit dangerous? Maybe there is a psycho killer on the bus who now knows you are going to be at the 79th street subway station at 10PM BECAUSE YOU JUST SCREAMED IT TO HIM! Please have consideration for your fellow passengers and talk a bit softer. Damn! When I speak on my cell on a bus, I cover the handset and basically whisper. It makes sense. I want to keep my conversation private and I don't want to bother you. Give me the same respect in return. What did you people do before cell phones? I remember when they hadn't even invented answering machines. The phone just rang and rang and you called back or wrote the person a letter. If you were worried...ROAD TRIP, or if the line was busy for too long, you asked the operator to cut in. I'd certainly like to cut in on some of your load-mouth calls and say...shut the f*** up! Now I understand they are working on technology to allow everyone to use their cell phones when flying. Can you imagine? It would be like a flying high school cafeteria! Lord help us!
What The F*** Is Your Problem Post (from my other blog)
Monday, April 07, 2008
What the f*** is your problem? (walking/driving)
Current mood: annoyed
So...I've decided to start a new series of posts, and yes, I am calling it: What the f*** is your problem? I had a really rough week and sent an email to some of my closest friends saying I was writing a new book with that line as my subtitle. But I've decided that instead of writing a book, I am going to just use the title for a series of blogs - and then, maybe the book will write itself (so to speak).
So here first entry for...
Why is it that I always find you walking in front of me at a turtle's pace on a gray, cold day, in the middle of the sidewalk in New York City? Have you no urgency in your step? It's not a balmy summer's day, it's chilly and miserable out. Don't you have somewhere to be or someplace to go? Now granted, my mother was always telling me to "stop and smell the roses," but come on people, in the middle of the day in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk. I'm all for daudling when I'm in a park, or at the museum, or in the country, or in Paris, but give me a break. If you want to meander in the busy sidewalks of Manhattan, with no intention of going anywhere, at least pull yourself to the side or enter a building or something. And this is not intended for tourists or homeless people or disabled I can forgive. It is the NYC regulars who are just doing this to PISS ME OFF. And I attract you don't I? I'm in a hurry to get to a meeting, or a rehearsal or a performance or a dinner party (but to be truthful, when I am walking, I like to move the journey along even when I'm not in a hurry) and you find yourself to my path and go as slowly as you can, normally in a situation where I can't even go around you. And more often then not, you stop at some point and I almost smash into you. So please, do me a favor, walk with a little pace in your step. I know you have places to go, home to the family; off to a meeting; catching the subway to a game or parade or street fair; to a class; to a trist, to a figtht; to a rally...whatever. Just go there. Oh, and while I'm on the "people who literally cross my path subject"...if you're coming towards me, please, oh please, let's try and pass eachother on the left. We're not in Europe. Notice the roads, notice the escalators...we pass eachother on the left, whenever possible. And if you choose to force me to pass on the right and then swear at me or huff at me as if I am in your way...I may just turn around and smack you. All of this however...leads immediately to my second, WHAT THE F*** IS YOUR PROBLEM?
You are the same people who drive 150 miles per hour aren't you? No, I mean it. You walk like turtles to your cars and then you have to make up for lost time so you talegate me, whip around me at speeds that should be reserved for the Daytona 500 or when you're playing video games, and then you throw yourself in front of me without even touching your directional signal. And almost ALWAYS, I pull up next you, or behind you at the next light, or when the traffic clogs. You didn't get there any quicker than I did, but you endagered my life, your life and countless others. Why must you try and prove you are Mario Andretti when you drive? Speed limits have a purpose. Don't get me wrong...if we're in a 55 and I'm going 57 and you come up behind me, keep your distance, change lanes with your signal and go around me at 60, I can live with that. But when you race up behind me at 85, flash your lights and then play "poll position" on the highway...I secretly hope that you will be the car I pass, pulled over by the cops or off in the ditch. I don't want you to get hurt, just scared a little. Now most of us have sped from time to time. God knows I have. But even when I speed, I try to be careful and courteous of those on the road and I really try NOT to speed. Maybe if you walked a little faster, you could drive the speed limit and it would be a win-win situation!
What the f*** is your problem? (walking/driving)
Current mood: annoyed
So...I've decided to start a new series of posts, and yes, I am calling it: What the f*** is your problem? I had a really rough week and sent an email to some of my closest friends saying I was writing a new book with that line as my subtitle. But I've decided that instead of writing a book, I am going to just use the title for a series of blogs - and then, maybe the book will write itself (so to speak).
So here first entry for...
Why is it that I always find you walking in front of me at a turtle's pace on a gray, cold day, in the middle of the sidewalk in New York City? Have you no urgency in your step? It's not a balmy summer's day, it's chilly and miserable out. Don't you have somewhere to be or someplace to go? Now granted, my mother was always telling me to "stop and smell the roses," but come on people, in the middle of the day in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk. I'm all for daudling when I'm in a park, or at the museum, or in the country, or in Paris, but give me a break. If you want to meander in the busy sidewalks of Manhattan, with no intention of going anywhere, at least pull yourself to the side or enter a building or something. And this is not intended for tourists or homeless people or disabled I can forgive. It is the NYC regulars who are just doing this to PISS ME OFF. And I attract you don't I? I'm in a hurry to get to a meeting, or a rehearsal or a performance or a dinner party (but to be truthful, when I am walking, I like to move the journey along even when I'm not in a hurry) and you find yourself to my path and go as slowly as you can, normally in a situation where I can't even go around you. And more often then not, you stop at some point and I almost smash into you. So please, do me a favor, walk with a little pace in your step. I know you have places to go, home to the family; off to a meeting; catching the subway to a game or parade or street fair; to a class; to a trist, to a figtht; to a rally...whatever. Just go there. Oh, and while I'm on the "people who literally cross my path subject"...if you're coming towards me, please, oh please, let's try and pass eachother on the left. We're not in Europe. Notice the roads, notice the escalators...we pass eachother on the left, whenever possible. And if you choose to force me to pass on the right and then swear at me or huff at me as if I am in your way...I may just turn around and smack you. All of this however...leads immediately to my second, WHAT THE F*** IS YOUR PROBLEM?
You are the same people who drive 150 miles per hour aren't you? No, I mean it. You walk like turtles to your cars and then you have to make up for lost time so you talegate me, whip around me at speeds that should be reserved for the Daytona 500 or when you're playing video games, and then you throw yourself in front of me without even touching your directional signal. And almost ALWAYS, I pull up next you, or behind you at the next light, or when the traffic clogs. You didn't get there any quicker than I did, but you endagered my life, your life and countless others. Why must you try and prove you are Mario Andretti when you drive? Speed limits have a purpose. Don't get me wrong...if we're in a 55 and I'm going 57 and you come up behind me, keep your distance, change lanes with your signal and go around me at 60, I can live with that. But when you race up behind me at 85, flash your lights and then play "poll position" on the highway...I secretly hope that you will be the car I pass, pulled over by the cops or off in the ditch. I don't want you to get hurt, just scared a little. Now most of us have sped from time to time. God knows I have. But even when I speed, I try to be careful and courteous of those on the road and I really try NOT to speed. Maybe if you walked a little faster, you could drive the speed limit and it would be a win-win situation!
Monday, July 14, 2008
OPA! opening this Saturday

OPA!, is a new musical about life and love on a forgotten Grecian isle. The tiny Greek island of Elia has been left off the national map since…forever. When a cruise ship is spotted from a distance heading straight for the island, the villagers band together in a desperate attempt to gain recognition from the outside world, and from each other. The mayhem that ensues ends up helping the villagers ‘see' their hidden selves along the way - the main message being to never hide your true self and to always to live a life of "OPA!" Let the singing and dancing begin. Performances are at The Barrow Group Theatre in Manhattan. For more information and a full schedule visit OPATHEMUSICAL!
I play the role of Manos and have a great little song in Act 2. So that means you CAN'T LEAVE AT INTERMISSION!
See you at the theatre!
Friday, June 13, 2008
A loss for the nation

Many others, greater than I, known by many (or at least "heard" by many) have said the same..."Tim Russert's loss is a loss for the nation." Certainly his loss is palpable in the world of journalism, especially for his colleagues at NBC but I believe it really is a loss for the nation.
He was a standard bearer for journalistic integrity and someone who was always searching for the truth, regardless of policy or party or practice. It seemed to me that he was always sincere and always genuinely excited to find out more about so many things, especially politics.
While I did not know him personally, I felt like I did.
Maybe it was the fact that we were both from the Buffalo area. Maybe it was his unyielding love for the Bills. Probably, it was because whenever I heard him or saw him on Meet the Press, or on a debate, or as a commentator, I would stop to listen to what he had to say and so often smile. He was someone that I had always wanted to talk to as I knew it would not only be fascinating but educational. If not a journalist, I think he would have made a remarkable teacher.
Journalism was better because of Tim Russert and his loss will resound throughout the community, especially at NBC.
My heart goes out to his wife and son, but I am certain that they are grateful for his love and his goodness and his presence.
I mourn with so many others his loss and hope that his legacy will cause others to strive to be like him and inspire others to follow in his footsteps.
Blessings on your spirit will be missed.
Buffalo Bills,
Meet the Press,
Tim Russert
Saturday, June 7, 2008

It has been a while since I have posted here as my life has been all over the place. I have had so many thoughts about so many things during these past couple months, but I am inspired today by the great Hillary Clinton to write here.
I have, and continue to be a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton even tho a few of my closest friends and colleagues have not supported her, even to the point of disparaging her. I defended her of course, but today, she transcended all of the pros and cons and proved that she is a most remarkable human being who believes that there are things larger than herself and her own goals.
I am someone who has always been very competitive and in many situations of "competition" I have faced defeat many times. I can say that when you suffer a loss in a race, in competition, in something that is so important to you, it is devastating. The fact that she was able to pick up from something so important to her and throw her support behind her revival so quickly, shows her amazing strength. I applaud her and because of her, I will now strongly support Barrack Obama to be the next President of the United States. Not something I was prepared to do a week ago.
I still have my doubts about Obama and am concerned that he is not seasoned enough to take on Washington. But I do believe that his values are close to my values and the issues that are important to the party are most important to me.
I urge anyone who cares about the principles that shape the Democratic Party to throw their support behind Barrack Obama.
Finally, the fact that a Presidential Candidate would mention the gay community in a positive light TWICE, in such an important speech, is overwhelming to me. I am so proud to have supported Hillary Clinton during her campaign, not just with my words and my money, but with my heart.
Blessings to you Hillary - you embody the American spirit and are a beacon of light for the future.
Barrack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Monday, April 7, 2008
So I've been spending WAY too much time on MySpace lately, but I think my page is finally starting to shape up. I'm also going to be starting a blog over there which i am calling: What the F*** is your problem? It started as a joke last week but I think I have some great material and who knows? Maybe it will turn into my next play or next book! Isn't Spring here yet? Oh...visit my MySpace page - Patrick's MySpace Page.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Some exciting projects!

I am very excited to be a part of the Buffalo Small Press Book Fair on March 22, 2008. I will be promoting my two books: Flowers in Autumn: endings and beginnings and Old Mr. Scrooge (my 10-minute adaptation of the Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol).
If you are in the Buffalo area on March 22nd, please stop by the Museum anytime between Noon and 6PM!
For more information, just use the graphic to be taken to the website.
I am also very happy to be giving seminars as part of The New Jersey State Drama Festival in April.
And on May 5th, I will be re-creating the role I recorded on the demo CD for a reading of THE REALLY BIG PIRATE SHOW in New York City! The show will then have a backers audition as it prepares for a Broadway run!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
March madness is here

"underdogs" this season in several different arenas.
First, I root for Hillary Clinton, who, thank God, has a resurgence after her victories in Ohio and Texas (and Rhode Island). I won't get on my soap box again about this (at least not today), just review the posts below as a refresher.
Second, I root for my Alma mater - The Niagara Purple Eagles to win the MAAC and make it to the NCAA tournament. Not impossible, but maybe a long shot this year.
Lastly, I am rooting for me. That's right. Me, myself and I. I just feel like I am in a rut lately and not following the creative path I set out on several months ago. I've found myself in a fatalistic mode for the past eight weeks and turning to behaviors that not only keep me from doing what I should be doing but are potentially destructive.
It's time to turn another page...I just hope I am on the winning team.
Hillary Clinton,
Niagara Basketball,
Niagara University
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Are we finally going to get a reality check on Obama?
I've been saying it from the beginning - makings of a charismatic leader; Presidential material...some day; incredible orator; a good man with promise in politics...but not ready, not seasoned, not experienced and not capable of being the leader of the USA...yet. But some of my friends even, seem to be drinking the Cool-aid. People who I have long respected losing all sense of scrutiny or reality and following this "movement" blindly...without pause...without the tough questions. And something that is REALLY driving me crazy. Why does no one mention that Obama has two different "accents" if you will, when he speaks? One is when he has a rather large black audience and the other when he doesn't? He draws out his vowels and drops ends of words and sounds like a preacher with one audience and then in other crowds he sounds like an elitist from Illinois. I'll tell you one wants to be perceived as a racist. But that has nothing to do with race - if he were John Edwards and did the same thing, I would be all over that too. Jesse Jackson never put on one voice for one group and another voice for someone else. And by the way, Jesse is the type of senior statesman I could rally behind. But sorry folks, Obama isn't convincing me in the least. Indeed I begin to look more and more seriously at John McCain as this momentum keeps swinging with Obama.
I hope that it is changing tho. I hope it is not too late for Hillary. I hope the facade is beginning to wear thin. It looks like the media is finally coming to their senses at least:
From the AFP written by Jintendra Joshi
Some Obama supporters fret already that his campaign has the trappings of a messianic cult, as thousands upon thousands pack auditoriums to bask in his uplifting oratory.
"Obamaphilia has gotten creepy," Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein wrote. "The best we Obamaphiles can do is to refrain from embarrassing ourselves."
In an article headlined "The Obama Delusion," Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson said the senator "seems to have hypnotized much of the media and the public with his eloquence and the symbolism of his life story."
"The result is a mass delusion that Obama is forthrightly engaging the nation's major problems when, so far, he isn't."
Come back to reality folks...please...
I hope that it is changing tho. I hope it is not too late for Hillary. I hope the facade is beginning to wear thin. It looks like the media is finally coming to their senses at least:
From the AFP written by Jintendra Joshi
Some Obama supporters fret already that his campaign has the trappings of a messianic cult, as thousands upon thousands pack auditoriums to bask in his uplifting oratory.
"Obamaphilia has gotten creepy," Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein wrote. "The best we Obamaphiles can do is to refrain from embarrassing ourselves."
In an article headlined "The Obama Delusion," Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson said the senator "seems to have hypnotized much of the media and the public with his eloquence and the symbolism of his life story."
"The result is a mass delusion that Obama is forthrightly engaging the nation's major problems when, so far, he isn't."
Come back to reality folks...please...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Finally...the Beagle has landed!!!

As Barack Obama is becoming hailed as some Saint...I am more and more saddened by the ease in which people are embracing this unseasoned (and quite frankly) unqualified candidate. I think people may come to regret this coronation without any scrutiny. Even Obama has admitted that he hasn't really had to deal with anything negative. Why is that? We are so overly "politically correct" that we won't ask the tough questions for fear we'll be harassing a black man and that is, after all, racism right? WRONG. And someone recently told me how angry they were at Bill Clinton for bringing up race in the campaign. That is probably the STUPIDIST thing I have ever heard (not to mention ignorant and naive). Race IS a part of this campaign because Barack Obama is black - there, I let the cat out of the bag. And his race is certainly a big reason that he is now winning states - NOT his experience, NOT his plans (what are they really anyway).
Yes, he is a very good orator, but he still doesn't hold a candle to Bill Clinton in that department and Bill (once called the first Black President by many prominent leaders in the black community) has done more for African-Americans than Barack has. People have short memories in this country and all this fanfare may be the downfall for the Democrats and eventually the country.
I hope that Hillary can turn things around and win the nomination. She is the best candidate for President of those still in the race. I will debate anyone, any time, anywhere on that. However, if Barack wins the nomination, I really am not sure what I will do. I find it humorous that his supporters say that it will be easier for Hillary supporters to support him, than the other way around. Let me make it clear, you aren't speaking for me.
I remember LOVING him at the Democratic Convention four years ago and thinking what an incredible President he would make...someday. That day is not here. The type of change he is talking about is only a fantasy that riles up the masses. Hillary knows the REAL deal in Washington. She knows that change takes time and takes dealing and real knowledge of the system. I think that everyone who thinks otherwise is in for a rude awakening as my amazing mother used to say.
I worry about this great nation...I worry about the way some people I know think. In the end, I hope that whatever happens, that the nation and its people can find the way.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Support Hillary Clinton for President

This video was brought to my attention by my friend Katrina...thanks Kat.
Hillary Clinton and Alicia Keys - SUPERWOMAN
Hillary Clinton
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Why I support Hillary Clinton and not Barack Obama
Happy New Year! A bit late I has been too long since I've posted on my blog. The show ended, I was sick, the holidays rolled along, I've been scrambling for work and then for the past three weeks I've been directing THE WIZARD OF OZ at elementary schools in Purchase and Scarsdale, NY! An amazing experience and lots of fun.
Before I start, please, if you do support Hillary, make a contribution today if you can...I am going to...
However, the main reason for this post is stimulated by the fact that I've been remiss lately with my political activism, which is often a bit overwhelming for those who hear from me all the time, but I realized that I needed to speak out and speak often about my support for Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the United States. And on the heels of SUPER TUESDAY, time is running out.
So here goes...

I support Hillary Clinton for President and not Barack Obama because:
Hillary is a woman! Yes, that is one of my reasons. You may feel that it should be irrelevant, but I feel strongly about this reason and thus, it is my first. This country needs a strong female at the helm to break up the boys club (I know that many think that is the reason she will have a tough time securing the win, but I believe she is up to the challenge). And many people have admitted that they are voting for Obama because he is black. I get that. I do. If Barney Frank were running I would be voting for him and partly because he is gay. Hillary is a strong, intelligent, passionate, liberal, articulate, committed and experienced woman.
Which brings me to my second reason...Hillary has EXPERIENCE in Washington. I love the fact that so many people in the country right now are jazzed by Obama because he is fresh and new and has all these exciting ideas...trouble is, he does not have the experience to follow-thru or execute his vision and the House and Senate and other "influences" in Washington (and their are A LOT of them) will chew him up and spit him out. No one has scrutized Obama at all - even the liberal media admits it. Experience should matter for the most powerful position in the land and we have seen, in the past eight years, what inexperience can bring.
Another reason I support Hillary Clinton for President is the fact that she DID vote for the authorization to go to war. I can hear all of you now, screaming and shouting and threatening to revoke my liberal card, but I don't care. I remember those days very well and I remember the intel that was being jammed down our throats. I also know, having grown up in Western New York (land of Republicans) and also having lived in New York City, that a majority of Hillary's constituants, and that includes liberals, weren't sure what should be done about Iraq and people were FOR inspectors going in and if something wasn't done, giving the President the authority to do something about it. I do not believe that Hillary was voting for war and certainly could not have anticipated this quagmire. For Obama to say he was against the war from the start, as if he had to vote on it in the Senate, is disengenuous. Quite frankly, he refused to vote "yes" or "no" SO many times in Illinois that he may have broken a record for his abstenstion votes. Is that someone you want making the tought decisions? Actually, he has shown he often isn't willing to make them. Hillary made a tough decision and now everyone wants her to apologize. I DON'T. It would show weakness and woman are always seen as weak. If Obama goes up against McCain, the Republicans will have a field day on this one issue alone - Obama can not protect our country and does not see war as a viable action. They won't be able to attack Hillary on this issue or call her weak. She wants the same thing we all do now, to bring our troops home while trying to make sure the region does not fall apart. But she also has shown she can be tough when necessary.
As she has said, and I agree, she will be READY FROM DAY ONE! She has been in the Senate and she has been in the White House - and not as some passive First Lady, but someone who cared about the country and made universal health care her own goal - for better or worse.
I believe Hillary cares about the issues that matter most to me. I understand that she is a politician, but that's part and parcel of our system and I believe that should be seen as a strength and not a weakness. She knows how to deal with the attacks from the Right that Obama has not seen. She has already survived so many investigations and rediculous allegations - "been there, done that." She has also shown that she can cross the isle and work with Republicans like John McCain on important issues.
Yes, she is polarizing, but if you think that Obama won't be if he gets the nomination, think again. Many of the same white male Democrats who refuse to even consider Hillary (because she is a woman) will suddenly find it just as difficult to vote for a black candidate over someone like John McCain. I guarentee it.
I really like Barack Obama but his inexperience and youth scares me. I just don't believe in my heart of hearts, and maybe more important, my brain, that he is ready for this job. Someday, most definitely. At this juncture in our country's history, no. I believe that if Barack Obama gets the nomination, that the Republican, especially if it is John McCain, will win.
Which brings me to the final reason I support Hillary - I believe she can beat any Republican and win the White House. I really do believe that.
Oh, one more thing, for now (I am sure I will be adding to this, I am just really tired tonight but feel I have to start this thought process or it will be too late) and that is I feel that the African-American community will re-embrace Hillary if she is the nominee. Everyone is making far too much of the percentage of African-American votes that Barack is now enjoying - of course - it makes sense. But let us not forget that Hillary and her husband have been fighting for equality and justice for the black community their entire lives. That block will move back to Hillary when she gets the nomination. The Hispanic community, overwhelmingly voted Republican in the last two elections. They support Hillary but I do not think they will support Barack. As for white men, what can I say? I'm not typical. Most of those boys want establishment - that means more white men would vote for Hillary than Barack. You do the math.
Hillary Clinton,
White House
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As Snoopy in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown (July 2000)